Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sandy Puc : Creative Edge Kids Tour

Went to Sandy Puc Creative Edge kids Tour.... WONDERFUL time.... learned so much.... so inspired. Wish I didn't have to sleep... would rather stay up all night editing... or trying to find a baby at 0136 to take photo's of. LOL..... Thank you Sandy for all you taught us.... so worth going.....! :)  I so want to use all this new creative knowledge..... NOW!  :)

1 comment:

  1. I know this is my first blog is over a year.... I've always felt it was more important to TAKE the photo's and EDIT the photo's... then "talk" about them..... but I learned tonight that I need to do this as well. :) So... while I may not say much... I hope to "say" enough with my images to show where my heart is. :)
